Support today GIVE THEM A HOPE
Support today GIVE THEM A HOPE
كن داعمًا للخير ، اتصل بنا وشاركنا بآرائك. إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة ، فلا تتردد في الاتصال بنا ، يسعدنا الاتصال بك
شاركونا بآرائكم وأفكاركم ، فنحن ننشد أجرًا من الله
Alberta Hope for Relief and Development is a non-governmental organization that deals with relief and development projects and early recovery projects empowering local communities in the context of eradicating poverty and empowering vulnerable groups. Established in early date of 2020, the Head Office of the Association is located in Alberta, Canada. In addition to executive offices and partners spread across Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine.